Cambio nella line up dei RED CITY RADIO

Cambio abbastanza clamoroso nella line up dei Red City Radio. Con un breve messaggio il chitarrista Paul Pendley annuncia il suo addio alla punk-rock bad di Oklahoma City: “This decision was wholly my own. I was not influenced by family or friends. I was not humbled by the road. And most importantly I was neither dismissed by my band mates nor sick of being their band mate and friend. The truth is I was and am ready for something different.”

La band annuncia Ryan Donovan (Nothington) come nuovo chitarrista. Questo il messaggio apparso sulla pagina facebook ufficiale: “Hey everyone! We’re super excited to announce that Ryan Donovan of Nothington bass guitar fame will be stepping up into the unenviable roll of playing guitar for Red City Radio following Paul’s departure. WELCOME RYAN! As most of you know, Paul’s last show will be April 12th in OKC. We’re also excited that Garrett, who sang lead on most of Titles, will be transitioning to full time lead vocalist. All of our European tour dates are still happening. You’ll be hearing more from us soon! Be awesome to each other!

L’ultimo lavoro dei Red City Radio è “Titles”, uscito il 15 ottobre dello scorso anno per Paper + Plastick Records.

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