Noise For The Doof Warriors Vol. 4

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Novembre 23 - 09:00 pm


Novembre 24 - 12:00 am

Evento Facebook
Organizzato da

Olona Wasteland Punx


Black Inside

[23.11] Noise For The Doof Warriors vol. 4


– Warhawk / filthy rock’n’roll from Goteborg – fans of Motorhead, Inepsy and everything in between, you’re served! first time in Italy, take it or leave it!

An earthquake is coming down from the northern lands…is it a bomber or an iron fist?
With two albums released by Cimex Records, they are Warhawk and they play no crust, no hardcore, no metal but they just play filthy hard rock ‘n’ roll in its purest form!
Save the date and don’t miss them, you won’t regret it!

Motron – Raw ‘n’ Roll / local villains – once again the combo beers + d-beat + raw’n’roll will strike! Get ready to toast with the Motron family!

Come” target=”_blank” title=”Cup.
on, kick this fucking penalty!


no tolerance for intolerance / respect / equality / bizzarrismo

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