Circolo Ferriera
???? VENERDI’ 7 GIUGNO 2024 ALLE ORE 20:00
???? NEW LOCATION – CIRCOLO FERRIERA – Via San Lorenzo In Selva 162
? Stavolta al Noise Wagon Vol. 15:
? SHEEVA YOGA (Strange Sounds Since 1997 – CZ)
? PLAGUE BOMB (Grindcore – Roma)
? PRISONERS OF WAR (StreetPunk – CZ)
? DROBOVINA (Crust/Grind – SLO)
? Dopo i concerti, IGWT party
Ci saranno diverse distro presenti, se vuoi porta anche la tua distro, ma scrivici in privato prima così ti teniamo il posto.
? Bar a prezzi popolari!
Con i mezzi pubblici per i triestini autobus TplFvg linea 8 da Roiano/Stazione Centrale/Valmaura, linea 29 da Piazza Goldoni
In treno: Stazione FS di Trieste Centrale, poi autobus(vedi sopra)
???? PETEK 7. JUNIJA 2024 OB 20:00
???? CIRCOLO FERRIERA – Via San Lorenzo In Selva 162
IN GRIND WE TRST predstavlja petnajsto sre?anje nove sezone! Toda najprej, kdo smo? Gre za nov projekt, ki se za?ne od spodaj gor in ga sestavlja skupina ljudi, ki je do sedaj organizirala koncerte s kolektivom Trieste Hardcore in jim posvetila ?as, strast in osebno žrtvovanje. S tem projektom želimo nadaljevati dobre stvari, ki smo jih zgradili do sedaj, in kot vedno, brez prikritih namenov in zaradi dobi?ka. Veseli bomo vseh Punk, Grind, Hardcore in Death metal skupin in nasploh vseh skupin, ki igrajo zvrsti, ki izhajajo iz komaj omenjenih in so del njihove zgodovine, pa tudi norih in eksperimentalnih skupin, ki se postavljajo v igri, da ustvarijo nekaj druga?nega in novega. S svojo mo?jo in vašo prisotnostjo želimo dati življenje druga?nim, ustvarjalnim, svobodnim in neobvezujo?im kontekstom. Želimo vlagati brez donosa razen zadovoljstva, da smo to storili, v prizmati?ni in kalejdoskopski realnosti. Grind pomeni “mletje” in želimo razbiti vse vnaprej dolo?ene sheme ter biti zvesti temu, kar v resnici smo, izražati svoje subjektivnost s tem, da delamo tisto, kar je najbolj za nas strastno. W klovni!
? Priljubljene cene v baru!
PREVOZ DO LOKACIJE: Z javnim prevozom TplFvg linija 8 z Roiana/Železniške postaje Trst/Valmaure,linija 29 iz Trga Goldoni
???? FRIDAY 7th JUNE 2024 AT 20:00
???? CIRCOLO FERRIERA – Via San Lorenzo In Selva 162
IN GRIND WE TRST presents the 15th date of the new season!
But first, who are we? This is a new underground project made up of a group of people who until now have organized gigs with Trieste Hardcore, pouring in it a lot of passion and time.
With this new project we want to carry on the good things we have built up to now, and as always, without second motives and not for profit.
We will be happy to welcome all Punk,Grind,Hardcore and Death Metal bands, in general all the bands that play the genres that derive from those described and have been part of their history, but also crazy and experimental bands, who aren’t afraid to create something different and new. With our strength and your presence, we want to give life to different, creative, free and non-binding contexts.
We want to invest with no return other than the satisfaction of having done so, in a prismatic and kaleidoscopic reality, with “to grind” and we want to shatter any pre-set scheme and be faithful to who we really are, expressing our subjectivity by doing what we are most passionate about.
Love to every clown!
? Popular Bar Prices!
COME ARRIVE: By public transport for Trieste buses TplFvg line 8 from Roiano/Trieste Railway Station/Valmaura, line 29 from Piazza Goldoni
I nostri contatti / Naši kontakti / Our contacts: