THE BABOON SHOW ad Aprile in Italia!

Finalmente ad Aprile 2025 arrivano in Italia gli attesissimi The Baboon Show – Official ( 20th anniversary tour ! ) per 3 imperdibili e potentissimi show in giro per lo stivale .
Di seguito le date e venue dei concerti :
Ven 04 / 04 / 2025 – Rccb INIT ( Roma ) .
Sab 05 / 04 / 2025 – Circolo BlackStar ( Ferrara ) .
Dom 06 / 04 / 2025 – MAGAZZINI GENERALI ( Milano ) .
 Info ticket, guests e dettagli dei singoli shows arrivano negli eventi FB che saranno online su questi canali già nella giornata di oggi.
 I ticket in prevendita saranno disponibili ed in vendita dal 2 Ottobre alle H.10.00 .
” Fans and friends! The Baboon Show have been touring and releasing music for 20 years now. We want to celebrate this with a big 20th anniversary party next year together with all of you and special guests. We will bring a bigger, better super intense show in bigger venues and we will also go to places we’ve hardly or never been to before. The whole thing will be just amazingly wild, crazy and fantastic. We’ve found an extra purpose in life being the touring family that we are. 20 years is a long time and we feel very humble and honoured that we’ve got the chance to do this for so long. Thank you all for the support through the years. Let’s make it at least 20 more, starting with next year’s biggest party on planet Earth! “
The Baboon Show
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