THE GAMITS: nuovo pezzo in streaming

I The Gamits, indimenticata pop punk band di Denver, hanno pubblicato un nuovo pezzo intitolato In The Red. Queste le parole di presentazione della band:

In the Red was mostly written the morning after Trump was elected back in 2016. It was posted that day to my personal Facebook page as a very raw acoustic performance from my basement. It was never finished and was more or less forgotten or so I thought. Fast-forward eight years later and here we are again. My friend Jen Pop appeared on my feed doing a cover of this song the morning after hewhocannotbenamed was elected for a second time. How cool is that? (not the election results part) I finished the song that day and now on inauguration day 2025 it is the first Gamits single in a very long time. Thanks for listening and good luck America.

Qui sotto il pezzo.

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