MORNING GLORY: EP in streaming

Dopo molte anticipazioni, ecco finalmente lo streaming completo di “Post War Psalms”, nuovo EP dei Morning Glory.
Qui lo streaming.

Post War Psalms” può essere preordinato ai link seguenti:

Queste invece le parole di Ryan Young (OWTH):
Morning Glory is pretty much my favorite current punk band. They are able to capture everything I love about this kind of music along with lyrical content that actually speaks to me. The band churns out songs of personal struggle with not only the world, but the 2nd world that lives inside your own head. Songs about revolution not only on a worldly scale, but also on a personal level. That’s important for people to hear. You can’t change anything if you can’t change yourself.”
“When I first heard the demos from War Psalms, I couldn’t wait to hear how it was going to pan out. I was surprised that some of my favorite songs from what I had heard didn’t make the cut for the record. Thinking more about it though, I realized it had much less to do with “making the cut” than it did with the fact that Ezra is incredibly prolific with his output. These 6 songs make for a great cohesive release on its own. Needless to say, I was ecstatic when I was asked to help release a record for a band that I love and respect so much.”

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