PUNK ROCK HOLIDAY rinviato al 2021

Era nell’aria, ora è ufficiale: il Punk Rock Holiday 2020 è stato rinviato al 2021.

Questo il comunicato dell’organizzazione:

With tears in our eyes, we’re forced to make it official and postpone the 10th anniversary edition of Punk Rock Holiday to August 9+10-13 2021.
It’s a devastating thing for PRH and it will probably take years for us to recover as we already invested a lot of money and our lives into promotion and other costs, that will only double in 2021. Only the most heartwarming responses from you – the best audience on the planet – still keep us going and we plan to do everything to keep this ship sailing the positive vibes forever.

2021 lineup:
We’re working closely with all bands to mirror this amazing lineup to 2021 in full. So far we have nothing but positive responses from all bands involved and we plan to put even some cherries on top.

All tickets bought for the 2020 edition will automatically remain valid for 2021. You don’t have to swap your ticket or anything. It keeps all of us precious time and energy. Just keep it as a steady investment for our reunion in August 2021.

Ticket swap:
If you really can’t join us on the new dates in 2021, we teamed up with TicketSwap to become the official tickets reselling platform that guarantees a secure transaction. Since the festival is completely sold out, we believe every ticket will find a happy new owner. By keeping your ticket, you greatly help the future of Punk Rock Holiday. We’re gonna promote this link throughout the year just as if we were selling tickets.

Since a lot of you offered to help us reduce the financial loss the festival has suffered, we created some special Support packages here https://bit.ly/PRHcrowdfunding

10 years wasn’t such a piece of cake after all. 

Vi terremo aggiornati su eventuali ulteriori comunicazioni.


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