DECENT CRIMINAL: nuovo singolo in rete

I Decent Criminal sono una punk rock band californiana e Summer Trip è il titolo di un loro nuovo pezzo.

Queste le parole di presentazione del cantante/chitarrista Tristan Martinez:
This song is about a bad acid trip I’d had the summer before last. Was all sick and having trouble breathing. Spent the night on and off the toilet ‘cause you asked, ripping my inhalers and going down the rabbit hole of looking up symptoms for everything. Was a couple months into COVID so almost convinced myself I had to go to the hospital, then Hunt came over, made breakfast and was like naw fool. That kinda thing is about the headspace you’re in and I wasn’t in a good one that time around“.

Qui sotto il pezzo:


L’ultimo album da studio del quartetto di Santa Rosa, “Bliss” è uscito nel 2018 per Bearded Punk Records e Wiretap Records.


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