Si sciolgono i NIGHT BIRDS

Una delle realtà più interessanti degli ultimi 10 anni è arrivata al capolinea. Stiamo parlando dei Night Birds.
La punk hardcore band del New Jersey ha da poco annunciato l’uscita dalle scene punk per motivi strettamente personali legati al frontman Brian Gorsegner. Queste le sue parole:

“Hi. Brian here. I’m retiring from playing in bands. Info for a final Night Birds gig is in the works. It’s not a bad thing, it’s not a dramatic thing, it’s just something I want to do. The driving force where I NEEDED to do it through my teen years until not so long ago is simply no longer there, for better or worse. I always thought if that happened it would be time to stop. Playing music has given me the coolest opportunities and experiences I could ever have imagined. It shaped my life and taught me how I wanted to be as a person. I couldn’t be more grateful. I love all my bandmates like actual family and their support on this decision only furthers that. I truly appreciate anyone who ever checked out one of my bands, and the many folks who’ve contributed on this journey. Punk still rules, go start your own band! XO”

La band ha indetto un ultimo show il prossimo 30 dicembre alla House of Indipendents di Ausbury Park, NJ.

So long Night Birds.

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