I TEENAGE BOTTLEROCKET tornano a suonare dal vivo

Grande notizia per tutti gli amanti del punk-rock: i Teenage Bottlerocket tornano a suonare dal vivo.
Dopo la morte di Brandan e l’annuncio del nuovo batterista (aka Darren Chewka, batterista dei The Old Wives), la punk-rock band torna di scena, al momento per due concerti negli U.S.A. : 11 marzo a Laramie e il giorno seguente a Denver.
Chissà se sarà un nuovo inizio per Kody e compagni.

Questo il comunicato dei TBR:

Here we go!!
Announcing our first two shows of the year! Join us as we honor and remember our departed brother, friend and drummer Brandon, as well as welcome Darren to the TBR family with our first shows back!
Laramie Wyoming, our hometown gets the first appearance. Friday March 11th we will be playing at Shocktober Fest!
Next up, Denver Colorado! Saturday March 12th at the one and only Marquis Theatre!! Tickets will be available soon!
Oh, and if that’s not enough rad shit, we’re super stoked to announce our dear friends The Gamits and Nobodys will be playing BOTH SHOWS!!

Come fucking party with us! And Stay tuned for more!
We’re back

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