Si sciolgono gli ANTI-FLAG: le accuse a Justin

Tra lo sgomento dei fan, si apprende la notizia dello scioglimento della band di Pittsburgh. La notizia è stata data su Pantreon della band mentre procedevano alla cancellazione dei profili social del gruppo del sito web e successivamente quelli privati.

Le persone vicine alla band non hanno rilasciato dichiarazioni a parte la conferma dello sciglimento (inizialmente si pensava d un attacco hacker) … cosa è sucesso?

Il membro dell band Justin Sane è stato accusato pubblicamente in una intervista del podcast “Enough” di una agressione sessuale verso una fan.

Con queste parole Il Podcast enough introduce l’intrevista della vittima “Kristina Sarhadi“:
Kristina found salvation in the punk community as an escape from her home life. But when she finally met her idol, the singer of a political punk band that helped shape her values, instead of treating her like part of the community, he raped her. Kristina describes the details of that night, how it changed the trajectory of her life and how she interacts with music. Kristina Sarhadi is a therapist, reiki master, writer and recovering social worker from New York. She uses her experiences growing up in the NY punk scene to inform her trauma-informed therapy practice and seek creative ways to help her community build empowering relationships, stand up to injustices, and create sustainable change with joy and confidence. – If you have been on the receiving end of harm from someone: be it artist, venue owner, audience member, or someone else and would like to share your story on a future episode, please reach out to us.

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