DESCENDENTS: conferme di un nuovo album

In una recente intervista con OC Register (https://www.ocregister.com/2019/03/29/three-punk-rock-vocalists-with-phds-talk-new-music-tacos-and-politics-ahead-of-the-sabroso-fest-in-dana-point/), Milo Aukerman, leader della seminale punk band californiana Descendents, ha dichiarato che non dovremo aspettare molto per il successore di “Hypercaffium Spazzinate” (2016, Epitaph Records).
Qui sotto l’estratto:

“When we put out the last record we thought, ‘OK, I bet we could put out another record after this one and not wait a decade to do it.’ It was such a rewarding experience and you know what? Our fans deserve better. They deserve more than a record every decade or so. We started writing almost immediately after that record was done. I have been writing and Stephen (Egerton) has really picked up the mantle, too. Between us I think we have like 20 songs written and Bill (Stevenson) and Karl (Alvarez) have been writing songs as well. We’ve done some basic tracking, but it’s still a work in progress but I hope we’ll have something out by the end of the year.”

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